Designed, developed, deployed, and managed by myself. Please do click the album covers on the home page to see the visualizations for each issue. The tunnel visualization has a different pattern for each song.
Designed, developed, deployed, and managed by myself. Please do click the album covers on the home page to see the visualizations for each issue. The tunnel visualization has a different pattern for each song.
1s and 0s (You Are Here), 2017. Pencil and charcoal on paper, digitally modified. 3024px × 4032px / 3811px × 2494px
There is one digital modification of this original drawing for sale here.
You Are Here, 2016. Pencil and charcoal on paper. 8.5″ x 11″
This work was drawn for a friend. It is an exploration of simple geometry and grids to create perspective, movement, and space.